Category: TypeScript

Pexels Divinetechygirl 1181676 0

Demystifying DTOs, Mappers, and When to Use AutoMapper, C# and TypeScript

In modern software development, especially in projects following the principles of clean architecture and domain-driven design, the proper management of data transfer objects (DTOs) becomes crucial. DTOs help in decoupling the internal domain model from the external world, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and maintainability of the application. However, managing DTOs manually can become tedious, especially in large-scale projects. This is where...

Pexels Pixabay 209224 0

Convert numbers to words currency (pt-pt, pt-br, en-us) the confusion!!

This is a know issue for converting numbers to words (Currency). There is some confusion in this concept, because not all countries use the same standard. Portugal uses the same nomenclature as most European countries, such as Spain, Italy, France, England, Germany, etc. But for example, the United States and Brazil use another form to designate numbers, which sometimes generates...

Pexels Sora Shimazaki 5926380 0

Consume Lookup Multi Select Fields SPFx with Models and Hooks

First when you set up lookup columns in a list or library, Microsoft restricts you to 12 columns of that type in a single view. The reason behind this limitation is that lookup columns retrieve data from another list or source. If you surpass this limit and try to add a 13th column, you’ll encounter an error message. It seems that 13 isn’t a...

Pexels Andrea Piacquadio 3822850 0

SPFx IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] get Unique Options (Duplicates) Cascade

When designing the property pane for your SharePoint client-side web parts, you may have one web part property that displays its options based on the value selected in another property. This scenario typically occurs when implementing cascading dropdown controls. I’m assuming in this Article/Fix you are getting all lists excluding the hidden ones. Let’s Start from the beginning, you have...

Pexels Christina Morillo 1181263 0

Working with Models in SPFx and Consume Some Field Types

This article will give you some insights to work with models in the SharePoint Framework SPFx and consume information from some Field Types FIELDS Why to use Models? TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to JavaScript. It provides a way to catch errors early through static type checking and can help you...