Category: FIX


SPFx 1.19.0: Desmitify Error – [webpack] ‘dist’: [Object Objet]

I was exploring SharePoint Framework 1.19.0 and noticed some controversy surrounding this error. In my understanding, this issue is not a bug in the chain or in the Reusable React controls for your SharePoint Framework solutions v3.19.0, nor in the Reusable property pane controls for the SharePoint Framework solutions v3.18.0. So, AJIXuMuK in my opinion is right (update) for the...

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Convert numbers to words currency (pt-pt, pt-br, en-us) the confusion!!

This is a know issue for converting numbers to words (Currency). There is some confusion in this concept, because not all countries use the same standard. Portugal uses the same nomenclature as most European countries, such as Spain, Italy, France, England, Germany, etc. But for example, the United States and Brazil use another form to designate numbers, which sometimes generates...


SPFx IPropertyPaneDropdownOption[] get Unique Options (Duplicates) Cascade

When designing the property pane for your SharePoint client-side web parts, you may have one web part property that displays its options based on the value selected in another property. This scenario typically occurs when implementing cascading dropdown controls. I’m assuming in this Article/Fix you are getting all lists excluding the hidden ones. Let’s Start from the beginning, you have...


Using SPFx React Controls Context in version 1.17.3

Since React 17 was introduced in version 1.16.0, the problems has began with some PnP Projects. In version 1.17.3 you will get this error when installing the PnP React Controls, so you must wait for the Repo be updated. In version 1.16.1 to use the PeoplePicker Control the workaround was give context as any in your Webpart.ts Now if you...