Category: Governance

Pexels Mareklevak 2265487 0

Implementing Governance and Security in Power Automate: A Case Study dummy company

Abstract: As organizations like Globex Corporation embrace digital transformation, tools such as Power Automate become central to automating business processes. However, the convenience of automation brings forth the challenge of maintaining governance and security. This article explores the steps Globex Corporation took to implement a robust governance framework and ensure the security of its Power Automate deployment. Introduction Globex Corporation,...

Github Recovery Codes 0

Maximizing Productivity in Modern Work Environments: The Role of Blockchain and AI in Microsoft Teams

Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern work environments, maximizing productivity and enhancing collaboration are top priorities for organizations worldwide. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) can offer unique advantages in achieving these goals. This article explores the significance of blockchain and AI in the context of Microsoft Teams, highlighting their respective contributions to productivity,...

Pexels Pixabay 209224 0

Convert numbers to words currency (pt-pt, pt-br, en-us) the confusion!!

This is a know issue for converting numbers to words (Currency). There is some confusion in this concept, because not all countries use the same standard. Portugal uses the same nomenclature as most European countries, such as Spain, Italy, France, England, Germany, etc. But for example, the United States and Brazil use another form to designate numbers, which sometimes generates...

Pexels Thisisengineering 3861976 0

Do I Need Admin Rights to Use the ShareGate Migration Tool?

First of all see my ADVERTISING section relative to add’s, publicity in this Site. I use others Products or Tools also, I’ll talk about them when makes sense for an article. ShareGate is a tool that I use daily in the context of Migrations. This is a frequently asked question. I’m just talking about the use of the product and...

Pexels Fauxels 3183197 0

SPMT European Union Data Boundary (EUDB) Microsoft 365 Migrations Changes

When reading this article, it requires official reading provided by Microsoft at the bottom of the page. Beginning April 1, 2023, all new European Union (EU) scans and migrations, except for Stream, will be processed in the EU. You may continue to run existing migrations until September 30, 2023. Starting October 1, 2023, you will no longer have access to...