25 Search results

For the term "do i need".

Microsoft Cloud Native and Aspire Innovation Collaboration

Microsoft Cloud Native Cloud-native development is a modern approach to building and running applications that fully exploit the advantages of the cloud computing model. Microsoft has been at the forefront of this movement, providing tools and frameworks that enable developers to create scalable, resilient, and manageable applications. Key Components of Microsoft Cloud Native Patterns and Practices Technologies Used Use Case: Contoso...

Pexels Ngeshlew 289927 0

Exploring the Microsoft DEV Proxy: Enhancing API Testing with Realistic Simulations

Microsoft Graph API, somethings can result in “unexpected” behaviors, that’s why is important to test and simulate first ensuring that applications can handle various API behaviors and errors is crucial. The Microsoft DEV Proxy is a powerful tool designed to help developers simulate different API scenarios, making it easier to test and debug applications. This article delves into the features,...


SPFx 1.19.0: Desmitify Error – [webpack] ‘dist’: [Object Objet]

I was exploring SharePoint Framework 1.19.0 and noticed some controversy surrounding this error. In my understanding, this issue is not a bug in the chain or in the Reusable React controls for your SharePoint Framework solutions v3.19.0, nor in the Reusable property pane controls for the SharePoint Framework solutions v3.18.0. So, AJIXuMuK in my opinion is right (update) for the...


Privacy Policy

The basics Your privacy is important to us. Also, we don’t like spam and we won’t do it to you as well. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we may gather when you visit this webpage, how we use that information, and the steps we take to protect it. By using or accessing our webpage, you agree to...

Pexels Thisisengineering 3861958 0

Harnessing the Power of Automation: Creating a Custom Connector for a LOB HR System in Power Automate

Introduction In the digital age, automation is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. One such tool that has been making waves in the world of business automation is Microsoft Power Automate. Power Automate allows you to create automated workflows between your favorite apps and services to...

Pexels Sora Shimazaki 5935791 0

Test-Driven Development in SharePoint Framework Projects Use Case

Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring code quality and functionality is paramount. Test-Driven Development (TDD) offers a robust foundation for building reliable SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solutions. By integrating TDD into your SPFx projects, you can enhance code quality, facilitate maintenance, and streamline the development process. Understanding TDD and SPFx TDD is a software development approach where tests...