Tagged: Microsoft 365

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The Role of SharePoint Embedded in deep

SharePoint Embedded is a cloud-based file and document management system that integrates seamlessly into any application. It leverages the robust capabilities of Microsoft 365, providing a powerful backend for managing documents and files within an enterprise’s existing infrastructure. Key Features: SharePoint Premium Subscription The SharePoint Premium subscription enhances the capabilities of SharePoint Embedded by providing advanced content governance and management tools. This includes features...

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From addresses (P2 From headers) without a Sender header

Microsoft will comply with RFC 5322 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5322#section-3.6.2) which mandates the Sender header to be present and contain a single address if the From header has more than one address. Noncompliance with this could be exploited by attackers, allowing them to impersonate a sender address by misleading the client into using the From header to determine the sender instead of the...