Category: Microsoft 365

Photo by ThisIsEngineering 0

SPO WBBag: Company wide tips for SharePoint Online from product to service (Cloud Service SharePoint Online)

In this article I will not cover all phases and planning, but some insights from my experience. FIRST MOST IMPORTANT Companies are usually curious by nature and it is your responsibility to design processes that the client is unaware of in the context of migration and modern workplace. IN A MIGRATION CLIENTS ARE INSATISFAYED BY NATURE. You have a lot...

Pexels Andrea Piacquadio 3822850 0

Using SPFx React Controls Context in version 1.17.3

Since React 17 was introduced in version 1.16.0, the problems has began with some PnP Projects. In version 1.17.3 you will get this error when installing the PnP React Controls, so you must wait for the Repo be updated. In version 1.16.1 to use the PeoplePicker Control the workaround was give context as any in your Webpart.ts Now if you...

Pexels Christina Morillo 1181263 0

Working with Models in SPFx and Consume Some Field Types

This article will give you some insights to work with models in the SharePoint Framework SPFx and consume information from some Field Types FIELDS Why to use Models? TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to JavaScript. It provides a way to catch errors early through static type checking and can help you...

Pexels Pixabay 270348 0

Building a Timeline Component with the SPFx SharePoint Framework

Let’s get you a Timeline component you can use for several use cases, in a chronologic way to represent information or just another way you want to represent items from a SharePoint List that makes sense to you. I’m using in this sample Class Components because at the time of this post there is no native Functional Components in the...

Pexels Ola Dapo 3345882 0

Do I need SharePoint Global Admin to Promote a Sub Site to Site with the ShareGate Tool?

First of all see my ADVERTISING section relative to add’s, publicity in this Site. I use others Products or Tools also, I’ll talk about them when makes sense for an article. So, you can migrate with the ShareGate tool without SharePoint Global Admin Rights and you can still use the CMDLETs from the tool, that’s right. You can see here...

Pexels Inzmam Khan 1134204 0

SPO WBBag April 2023 The Ultimate Problem Challenge in a SharePoint Migration – Part I

The Ultimate Problem Challenge in a SharePoint Migration PART I In this SharePoint Online Brown Bag I will talk about Governance in a company point of view about the ultimate problem challenges in a Migration as a Consultant. One of the main obstacles in a migration context are the tools (3rd Parties) that are made available in SharePoint in a product...

Photo By Lukas 0

SPFx Class Components Challenge

In fact this is a topic that has been talked about often. Hooks were added to React in version 16.8. Hooks allow function components to have access to state and other React features. Because of this, class components are generally no longer needed, yes in fact, but let’s see what we have at the time of this post. So in...

Pexels Thisisengineering 3861976 0

Do I Need Admin Rights to Use the ShareGate Migration Tool?

First of all see my ADVERTISING section relative to add’s, publicity in this Site. I use others Products or Tools also, I’ll talk about them when makes sense for an article. ShareGate is a tool that I use daily in the context of Migrations. This is a frequently asked question. I’m just talking about the use of the product and...

Pexels Lukas 574077 0

Do I need VM or Laptop Admin Rights to use PnP.PowerShell in a Migration?

Well this is a good question, the answer is NO If your SharePoint Administrator grant you the Tenant Permissions. Because You need to run this cmdlet with an identity that has write access to the Azure AD. You are not creating a new application in the sense of something that runs in your Azure AD tenant. You’re only adding a...

Pexels Fauxels 3183197 0

SPMT European Union Data Boundary (EUDB) Microsoft 365 Migrations Changes

When reading this article, it requires official reading provided by Microsoft at the bottom of the page. Beginning April 1, 2023, all new European Union (EU) scans and migrations, except for Stream, will be processed in the EU. You may continue to run existing migrations until September 30, 2023. Starting October 1, 2023, you will no longer have access to...